Tree Stakes from 2019 Street Reconstruction

Woodshire Residents,

If you had a free tree planted by the Woodshire Drainage contractor immediately after street reconstruction in 2019, and if the tree still has stakes on it, the Woodshire Civic Club would like to help you remove those stakes. Tree stakes are typically supposed to only be on a tree for a season (3 months), but for many of these trees that were planted in 2019 they have been on there for over 3 years and are doing quite a bit of damage to the trees.  If someone from the Civic Club comes by they may knock at your door to let you know they’re removing the stakes, but no action will be required of the resident/homeowner. Removing the stakes now will allow the trees to start the recovery process and hopefully enable them to grow into healthy and mature trees that will benefit our neighborhood for decades to come. 


Woodshire Beautification Committee

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