Woodshire Civic Club September 21st Meeting Follow-up

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it out to the Woodshire Civic Club Meeting on September 21st!  We had a packed agenda (see attached slides from the meeting) with updates around communication, beautification, community, security, and finance, and a great guest speaker, Alyce Coffey from the Solid Waste Management Department, who presented an overview of recycling do’s and don’ts.
We currently have 147 out of 312 Woodshire households/residences who have paid their annual Civic Club dues for 2022 (dues are currently $200 and there are a variety of payment options, see Contribute – Woodshire Civic Club
For those getting this email who haven’t paid their dues, I would encourage you to please take a look at the attached presentation from our meeting this week and check out our website Woodshire Civic Club – Woodshire Civic Club to see all the things we are trying to do to improve Woodshire which benefit everyone who lives and/or owns property in the neighborhood. These new initiatives are in addition to many of the things that we sometimes take for granted like security patrol and mosquito spraying that are paid for by Civic Club dues. We are also open to feedback if there are additional ideas you have for how we can improve our community.
In closing, I want to remind everyone about the upcoming Neighborhood Night Out event on Sunday, October 16th from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM CT at the intersection of Newshire and Lakeland. Details were in the newsletter and we will also be sending an Evite. I think it’s safe to say this will be an event you won’t want to miss 🙂
Christian Gubitz
President, Woodshire Civic Club 


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