Woodshire Neighbors,
Thanks to everyone who was able to make it out to the Woodshire Civic Club Meeting on July 17th at Total Wine! The agenda and material we covered are attached.
Dues payments are still lagging behind for the year and we need to get the contribution rate up to continue bringing all the great services and improvements to our neighborhood. If you contributed in 2022 and/or 2023 and haven’t paid your dues for 2024 please take action today: Contribute – Woodshire Civic Club. We also welcome those who have never paid dues to please consider contributing, our neighborhood would greatly benefit with everyone’s participation.
Also, reminder that we have an Ice Cream Social coming up on July 26th at 7PM at 4027 & 4031 Mischire, see details here: Ice Cream Social – Woodshire Civic Club. We hope you can join us!
Christian Gubitz
President, Woodshire Civic Club